How to Remove Male Genital Warts

Genital warts are the most common sexually transmitted disease that affects millions of sexually active people. The virus responsible for this disease is called HPV -human papillomavirus. When a male is infected by the virus, it is not only distressing but it is also embarrassing because it is a contagious disease. Any person with direct contact of the virus will show signs of infections or warts on the genitals within three months. It is important to know how to remove male genital warts before it could cause more harm and other health issues.

Symptoms of genital warts include the presence of small bumps that resembles a cauliflower around your penis, anus and scrotum. Itching and burning sensation on the affected area are also experienced. Learning how to remove male genital warts will save you from the discomfort of the symptoms and the embarrassment.

Here are some tips to remove male genital warts:

Seek professional help. Warts can go away on their own but there is no assurance that the virus is totally gone and it will not come back. HPV lies dormant in your body just waiting for the perfect condition to flare up again. It is still important that you seek medical help to know the severity of your condition and rule out other conditions that might put your health at risk.

Medicines and creams. There are over the counter and prescription medicines to remove male genital warts. Creams like Podofilox and Imiquimod are some of the prescription creams that your doctor may prescribe you to use at home. Just always remember to use medicines intended for genital warts. Medicine for warts on other parts of the body may not be applicable to remove male genital warts.

Medical procedures. There are advance treatments to remove male genital warts like cryotherapy which uses liquid nitrogen to freeze off warts, electrocautery which uses tolerable amount of electrical current to burn the warts and laser surgery which of course uses laser to remove male genital warts. These medical procedures are expensive and may also result to permanent scarring.

Natural remedies. There are natural remedies to remove male genital warts that you can do at the comfort of your own home. Although some people prefer advance treatments, natural remedies are another option if you have tried almost everything and the virus is still there. Did you know that you can get rid of warts for good without drugs and surgery? To find out how visit Moles, Warts and Skin Tags Free in 3 days.