Things Your Should Know in Treating Plantar Warts

Warts are skin growth or lesion caused by HPV (human papilloma virus). It can appear anywhere on your body including your feet. Skin growth on the sole of the foot caused by HPV is called plantar warts. Warts are usually painless but if located on pressure points like the soles of your feet, it can be very painful. Treating plantar warts is necessary to get rid of the discomfort and pains.

Human papilloma virus can easily spread through direct skin to skin contact or by sharing towels, slippers, shoes and other personal items of the infected person. Once infected, it may take months for the warts to appear. In most cases, an infected person is not aware that he or she has the virus.
Warts resolve on their own without treatments within months or years but it is best to seek treatment and get rid of it as soon as possible. If it interferes with your daily life and causing pains, difficulty in wearing shoes and walking, treating plantar warts is really a necessity.

It is best to consult your doctor to make sure that the skin growths on the sole of your foot are warts. Once diagnosed with plantar warts, your doctor may recommend treating plantar warts with the best treatment that will work for you. Common treatments are medicines like salicylic acid, cantharidin, podophyllin and tretinoin. There are also advance treatments like cryotherapy, electrosurgery, laser surgery and curettage.

Treating plantar warts may not always destroy the virus totally and in most cases treatments maybe repeated. Treatment can be painful and may cause scars. Dealing with plantar warts is sometimes so frustrating because the symptoms keep coming back. Warts can be very stubborn and finding the best treatment that will eradicate them permanently could be a real challenge.

If you have tried almost everything and still suffering from recurring warts flare up. Natural remedies are another option. In treating plantar warts, it is important to address the root cause of the problem and not just masking the symptoms. Discover a natural treatment that treats warts right from its root cause visit Complete Warts Freedom in 3 days.