Eliminate Stubborn Warts Naturally

Warts are common skin growth that usually appears on the hands, soles of the feet, neck and face. There are surgical procedures to remove warts like laser therapy, burning and freezing. Although there are surgical procedures, there are people who want to avoid the pain and high cost of surgeries. Fortunately, there are ways to eliminate stubborn warts naturally.

Here are some tips to eliminate stubborn warts naturally.

Apple cider vinegar. Clean the affected area with water and antibacterial soap then place a cotton ball moistened with apple cider vinegar on the wart. Use band aid to fix the cotton ball in place and leave it for at least 6 hours. Be sure to dispose used cotton balls properly to avoid the spread of virus. Repeat this treatment daily until the warts fall off. The acidic property of vinegar helps eliminate stubborn warts naturally.

Garlic. The antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties of garlic can be very helpful if you want to eliminate stubborn warts naturally. Clean the affected area with antibacterial soap and water. Slice a peeled fresh garlic clove and place it on the affected area. Use band aid or medical tape to secure the garlic in place and leave it overnight. Repeat the method until the warts fall off.

Banana peel. After eating a banana do not throw the banana peel because you need it if you want to eliminate stubborn warts naturally. Cut the banana peel into pieces and using a medical tape, place and secure the peel on the affected area. Leave it there for at least 8 hours or overnight. Repeat the treatment until the warts are gone.

Of course it is best to visit your doctor if your warts are painful and bothering you. Natural remedies are another option for people who want to avoid the high cost of surgeries and want to eliminate stubborn warts naturally.

Did you know that you can get rid of warts in just 3 days using natural method? To know more visit Warts Freedom. To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Complete Warts Freedom