How to Completely Eliminate Genital Warts

Warts on the genital are the most common sign of Human Papillomavirus infection or HPV, a sexually transmitted disease. They are bumps that can appear in clusters that look like a cauliflower and they are either raised or flat. It is common in women and can appear around the vagina, anus and on the cervix. In men, warts usually appear in the tip of the penis. Of course, if you have the infection, it is important to completely eliminate genital warts to get rid of the inconvenience.

Although warts might disappear without treatment; it is important to seek treatment to prevent complications and spread of infection to others. Here are some tips on how to completely eliminate genital warts:

Temporarily abstain from sexual activities. People who are sexually active and have multiple partners are at higher risk of getting the infection, so it is best to abstain from sexual activities or limit the number of people you have sex with. Use latex condom if sex cannot be avoided. Practicing safe sex can be very helpful if you want to completely eliminate genital warts infection.

Prescription medicine. Other types of warts can be treated with over-the-counter medicines but warts on the genital, it is best to consult your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe creams and solution that you can apply directly on the affected area until the warts disappeared.

Medical procedure. Your doctor can perform medical procedures like freezing or cryosurgery, burning or electrocautery and laser treatment to completely eliminate genital warts. Ask your doctor about the best procedure that will work for you.

Natural remedies are also another option to completely eliminate genital warts. If you have tried almost everything and still suffering from painful genital warts, natural remedies are another option. Discover how to get rid of warts permanently using natural remedies. Visit Warts Freedom in 3 days